Missoula Montana Airport
Nonstop flights between Missoula and San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles.

Nonstop flights between Missoula and San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles.

Alaska Airlines connects the Rocky Mountain West and the West Coast

Whether you’re looking for fresh mountain air or a salty sea breeze, Alaska Airlines has you covered with nonstop flights between Missoula, Montana, and four California hot spots.

Ocean Time in no Time

When the coast is clear, pack your sandals, swimsuit and hand sanitizer and head for the ocean air. Set your sights on Balboa Park, Sunset Cliffs, the Golden Gate Bridge, Disneyland, Universal Studios Hollywood, Venice Beach or the San Diego Zoo. Board a cable car, hit up the museums, or bury your feet in the warm sand and soak in the sun and saltwater at the beach of your choice.  

Mountain Time in no Time

Get some space, adjust your altitude, lower your stress, and breathe in Western Montana’s fresh mountain air in one of the West’s best mountain towns. Missoula provides access to Glacier National Park, Flathead Lake, guest ranches, sprawling landscapes, famous rivers, arts, culture, culinary brilliance, and world-class outdoor recreation.

Nonstop flights between Missoula and San Diego begin March 18.

Nonstop flights between Missoula and San Francisco/San Jose begin summer 2021.

Nonstop flights between Missoula and Los Angeles restart March 18.

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